
Laos is in Southeast Asia and has beautiful mountains, UNESCO sites, caves, and waterfalls; this is a great country to explore nature, the coffee and waterfall regions of the Bolaven Plateau is a great place to start. I traveled into Laos through Thailand and and visited the jungle valleys inhabited by different hill tribes. In the capital Vientiane, I enjoyed the French-colonial mansions and coffee shops. I had a great time exploring Laos, hope you find my short summary helpful.

Best Time to Visit

Laos is a hot tropical country best visited between October and April, when the weather’s warm and dry. River travel is best between November and January, when the water levels along the Mekong River are safe to travel. It’s also the best time to visit the Bolaven Plateau.

Things to do and see

  1. Luang Prabang was the former capital of Laos and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. What makes this place so special is all the temples that are located around the town and the colonial houses.
  2. Bolaven Plateau and Tad Fane Waterfall is in Southern Laos, filled with tribal villages and picturesque waterfalls it’s a must visit location when in Laos.
  3. The Plain of Jars is near the town of Phonsovan, the giant jars are scattered on a grassy filed. There are many stories about the Jars, but no one knows what the Jars were used for or who made them.


Laos cuisine is a combination of Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese dishes. There is also a French influence from colonial times. Sticky rice is the staple food which is combined with fish or meat with a side of salad. The food in Luang Prabang is like that in Northern Thailand. There are several good restaurants in Vientiane and Luang Prabang, catering mainly for tourists. Baguettes and croissants are eaten for breakfast.


Air: There are no direct flights from London to Laos, There are many domestic flights connecting all the larger towns in Laos.

Roads: Many of the roads are paved, however some of the roads are not safe to drive at night or during the heavy rains.

Taxi: There is a mixture of metered and unmetered taxi’s, there are also motorbike taxis. There is no Uber in Laos.

Bus: Private air-conditioned buses connect all the tourist towns. There are also local buses which cover more locations in Laos, however the buses often breakdown and need a tyre change. Both buses will stop for toilet breaks.

Ferry: The Mekong river and others are a big part of the country’s transport system. You have a choice between travelling by ferry or speedboat.

Rail: Apart from the international rail service connecting Thailand and Laos, there are no rail services in Laos.


Visas are required by all EU, U.S, Canadian and Australian nationals; However, you can obtain a visa on arrival for 30days if you are arriving by ferry or road. Bring one passport size photo for your visa. If traveling by plane, you must apply for you visa in advance.


The official language spoken in Laos is very similar to that in Northern Thailand. French is also used as an unofficial second language of the government. English is also spoken more widely throughout the country.


The official currency of Laos is the Lao Kip (LAK). However, the Thai Baht and US dollar are widely accepted in shops and markets throughout Laos. There is a bureaux exchange at the airport and in large towns. Credit cards are accepted in most hotels, gift shops and some restaurants.


Tipping is not common in Laos, but in the tourist area 10% is acceptable.

Social etiquette

Most of the people in Laos are Buddhists and it is advisable to dress modestly especially in Luang Prabang, one of Laos most spiritual regions. If entering a temple, you will be expected to leave your shoes outside and dress modestly.



Laos operates on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz. Below is the four types of plugs used in Laos.


There are numerous internet cafes in larger cities., smaller towns have one venue for internet which may be slow. You can also access the internet at most hotels and restaurants