French Guyana

The two seasons in Cameroon are the dry season which starts from October to April and the wet season which runs from May until September. The dry season is usually the best time to visit to avoid the heavy rains and difficult roads of the wet season, however the wet season can be cooler and the rain does not last all day.
What to Pack
Things to do and see

Food and drink
Cameroon’s dishes are generally dominated by Meat vegetables, pounded yam, Plantains and rice. Majority of the food is very spicy. Nearer to the coast sea food is popular and a big part of the diet. Most hotels in the bigger cities will serve some western food, however there’s not much Varity.
How to Get Around

All foreigners except citizens of Central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Nigeria need a visa to visit Cameroon, along with an invitation letter, conformation of your accommodation and yellow fever vaccination certificate. I recommend that you contact your nearest embassy for the most up to date information.
Where i visited

Culture, Language and Religion
Cameroon has over a hundred ethnic groups who speak their own tribal languages and have their own unique cultures. Due to its colonial past Cameroon is a bilingual country speaking both French and English. The predominant religion is Christianity, with parts of the North mainly Muslim.

money and expense
The local currency in Cameroon is CFA, It is best to bring Euros or pounds for exchange as your get a better exchange. There are many banks and ATMs in larger cities and banks and hotels can do exchange. Credit cards are excepted only in big cities like Douala and Yaoundé, but are not excepted in smaller towns. There is a departure tax levied on all passengers leaving Cameroon of 10,000CFA (£11). Food and accommodation is relatively cheap , especially in the smaller towns.

Tipping customs have recently changed and now it is recommended that tourists tip a small amount, not necessarily a percentage.

Social etiquette
Please ask permission before taking photographs.
